Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cousin Love...

Blayne, Molly, Kieran and Grady took the boat across Lake MI to come and visit this weekend. We were very poor entertainers. I am almost embarrassed to disclose the excitement our weekend entailed! Our original plan was to go to Bay Beach Amusement Park in Green Bay, but it was rainy most of Saturday. So our back up plan was Wild Air (an inflatable place in Appleton), but no one was really gung-ho on that idea when the time came to go either.

Sooo....we did a lot of playing in the house. We pulled out some toys from the basement that Rowan hasn't seen in awhile. Then we went to lunch at Chipotle (Blayne and Molly introduced us to Chipotle when they lived in MN, and now they don't have one by them in MI, so Blayne requested that for lunch). After Chipotle when the men turned down Wild Air, we headed to Neenah's finest, Super Wal-Mart (they needed diapers for Grady, and somehow we left with an 80 piece bag of chocolate too), and then headed home for more playtime. At least we were able to get the kids outside eventually, but not for long before the mosquitos attacked! Us adults managed to throw in a game of Monopoly too (Smith boy favorite)
After Molly and I got bored with Monopoly and took the kids outside, the men played by themselves until Ed ran out of money! So boring! And then we had planned to make homemade pizza but that fell through when we were out of yeast, so ordering pizza it was. Fairly late since we were all stuffed from Chipotle and Chocolate all afternoon!
Rowan and Kieran didn't stop playing the entire time they were here. And they played great together. Only one black eye (Kieran ran into something in the basement, or somehow hit his cheek on something in the basement, the men had their backs turned) And little Grady man is just getting all over the place, making his brother mad by wrecking trains and kitchen stuff. There was no napping had by the big kids, so to bed on time it was for them. And Ed had to work this morning at 5am, so we all ended up in bed fairly early.

This morning we all met Nana and Papa in Lomira for breakfast to visit and celebrate Blayne's bday! Breakfast was great, the kids were well behaved, and we got cake too! Blayne's bday is on Tuesday and Nana's is on Thursday! After breakfast, Rowan and I headed home to wait for Ed to get home from work. Blayne, Molly and kids headed to Milwaukee to get on the boat and head home! Hard to believe this weekend that we have been waiting for is over! Oh...And Blayne and Molly celebrated their 6th Anniversary on Saturday with us! Had to post Blayne's cheesy smile when I told him to show me his cake. Good thing he doesn't look at the blog much!

1 comment:

Cora said...

Sometimes not doing anything "big" is just as much fun. So glad that family is making the trip up to see you guys, now that you live in the middle of no-where and all.