Thursday, September 2, 2010

Allergy season...

After a rough week and a half of Gizmo constantly itching and licking, I took him to the vet on Monday to get things checked out. Of course, his allergies were in full flare. His skin was super red, his ears were very red, and he was clearly very uncomfortable.

So the veterinarian gave him an allergy shot of some sort that is supposed to last 3 weeks. I had tried giving him Benadryl but it didn't seem to do anything, turns out I was under dosing him, which could be why it didn't do anything. But we are going to hold off on the Bendaryl for a week to see if the allergy shot does the trick first. If it doesn't do anything, or only lasts a week, he will be started on something oral instead.
I feel bad because I was sort of ignoring it hoping it would go away, and getting annoyed every night when his scratching and licking would wake me up. But the vet said we got him in in time, and that allergy season seems to be hitting earlier this year. So cross our fingers that this works!

1 comment:

Tammy Sue said...

poor little guy! he was miserable! glad it's getting taken care of and hope he feels better soon!