Monday, September 13, 2010

13 Weeks and a New Tooth...

Hard to believe that 5 weeks has passed already since my first prenatal visit. Today marks 13 weeks and I had a doctors appointment complete with an ultrasound and blood work because I opted to do the 1st Trimester Screen this time around. With Rowan I declined any extra testing and for some reason this time I felt inclined to do it.
The ultrasound essentially went fine. The doctor said everything looks fine, now we just have to wait for the blood work results which usually takes a week. The only abnormal finding on ultrasound was a partial previa. Essentially the placenta is partially covering the cervix. At this point, we are just to abstain from intercourse or inserting any other foreign objects into the vagina until my 20 week ultrasound, and we will see if the previa resolves. Hopefully it does so that my chance of a vaginal birth isn't compromised. The rest of the visit went fine, minus the fact that I had to have blood drawn twice. They did the blood work necessary for the 1st trimester screen first and then after meeting with the MD she realized they didn't run my blood type last visit, so I needed to be drawn again for that. Hopefully I don't end up with bruises like my first blood draw in the office at 8 weeks, I think I had a bruise for 3 weeks.

Otherwise, I managed to gain only 3 pounds. I was seriously nervous about the scale because I feel like I am huge already for only 13 weeks. There is a bit of pressure with my MD saying that gaining 40 pounds this time around isn't exactly ideal either. My blood pressure was good 98/something. What else? I guess that is it. She didn't listen to the heartbeat with a doppler at all, which I thought she had said she would do this visit, but maybe given the ultrasound it wasn't necessary. I go back in 4 weeks for a regular doctor visit, and in 7 weeks for the 20 week ultrasound (where most people would find out the sex; but not us!)

Onto the Princess! Rowan was very well behaved for the doctor appointment today, but sort of had a rough afternoon. I noticed this morning that she was drooling big time. It was like she forgot how to swallow when she had her pacifier in her mouth. And yes, of course a darn molar popped through on the upper left. But she woke up 30 minutes into her nap screaming, and cuddling with Mom didn't do the trick. So we had some juice and crackers and medicine and then fell asleep together in our bed. Not ideal but I just wanted to make sure she got her nap! I even treated her to Culver's for lunch since she was so good for the MD appointment. Hey, after the good news of only gaining 3 pounds, why not have some fast food! Yikes!


Cora said...

Ahhh, MILK, look at you! So cute with the bump coming already. And I find it strange your OB is so against 40 lbs. I thought that was closer to average.

Too bad on the previa, but try not to worry too much yet. Most of the ones found so early end up moving out of the way by delivery time. Welcome to my "dry spell" club. It's really a fun place to be. Please give Ed my condolences.

The baby looks wonderful, but I just don't love those 3D shots. I like the plain old US pics, especially at such an early gestation. Thanks for the baby update! Keep 'em coming mama.

Lisa said...

Okay, you really need to change this post heading. I got really nervous when I read this that you had a molar pregnancy!!!!!!!!!!

I hope your placenta moves so that you don't have to have a c-section.

Love the bump! Too cute!

Cora said...

Thanks Lisa...I totally thought the same thing!

Ed and Megan Smith III said...

Okay ladies, most people don't even know what a molar pregnancy is! But I will change it just for you girls!

Lisa said...

Thank you!!

Katie said...

I read your post earlier and also thought molar pregnancy! Too funny.

Your 3D ultrasound pics seem much "smoother" than the ones of my little guy...they must have better technology up there :) I like!

Hopefully your previa will move...there is plenty of time for that. Good thing you got the ultrasound though so you know what you can and can't do.

Tammy Sue said...

Such a cute little shape you have ;) Can't wait to watch and follow your blog!! (and BOO! to not finding out what your having...I WANNA KNOW!!: )

Nicole said...

Oh my goodness, I can't believe how much you've grown in the past few weeks! You look great...embrace that baby bump!

Sorry to hear about the previa, but hopefully it will resolve with time! As Cora said, welcome to our club! Our husbands should get together to commiserate :-) 20 weeks will be here before you know it!

Such a sweet little one you're growing! Looking forward to more pictures soon!