Saturday, December 19, 2015

Such a fun day!

We started out super early this morning. All the kids were awake by 630am! And of course wanted to open gifts immediately. Normally we all shower and are ready before opening gifts...but this year we ran out of hot water before we were all ready! So we did stockings...then took a break to let the rest of us shower. Then we did some gifts...then I think someone needed a nap...then some more gifts....then we needed to eat or something! It was very spread out which I thought was great. But others were dying! In the end, all the gifts got opened, we all got more than necessary, but loved everything!

We had a lovely ham lunch...lots of sides and appetizers as well throughout the day. The kids even helped Nana load and reload the cookie tray!
We did manage to get a picture of all of the kids together! Even outside, without snow. That probably won't happen again anytime soon!
Loved seeing this sweet boy all grown up this year getting into things! Such a sweet boy with a cheesy smile!
Getting the entire family in a picture is like pulling teeth too. Sadly it's the big people that make it hard, not the little. Success today though!
Previous picture was on my phone...this one is with the camera. Too cute!
Nana and Papa did a new game for the littles this year was a ball full of fun treats. Said ball was cling wrapped to almost a bowling ball size, with secret treats sporadically wrapped inside. For the game, someone started trying to unwrap the ball while the person behind them rolls 2 dice trying to get doubles. When doubles are rolled the person unwrapping passes the ball to the next person and they start rolling the dice. If you unwrapped a treasure you got to keep it. It was tough, and showed some competitive personalities throughout...including the parents who were watching/assisting. Very fun. I hope they make an adult ball for next year! When the gift hoopla was over, we played cards, visited, kids played together with new toys and Bomber Man too. Very fun day, and as always it goes to fast.

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