Friday, December 25, 2015

So this is Christmas...

Sadly, Ed and I were up and waiting for the kids to wake up this morning. I couldn't lay in bed anymore waiting, and came downstairs to find Ed in a santa hat playing Mario kart! Again, my third child! I got breakfast prepped and in the oven, tried a new recipe, Cinnamon French Toast bake. Finally about 715am, the kids came strolling down! I didn't get a lot of pictures of them opening gifts because I was trying to pay attention better!
The cutest part of the morning was how excited they were about the gifts they got for each other.
And then there was their favorites gifts...Eddie got a Hot Wheels Garage from Santa! 
And Rowan got a ripstik from Santa...she tried to give it a try inside, but it will be much better outside!
After playing for a bit, we got showered and packed and ready to head to Grandpa and Grandma Bremberger's house for the afternoon. Here the kids are cleaned up and ready for the day!
Our drive to Lyndon Station was rather uneventful. Arrived just after 1pm! I was able to bribe the kids for another picture after they saw all the presents.
We had a late lunch snack, and then started on presents. But shortly into presents, Great Grandpa Ron and Gail arrived. So we took a break to hang out with them and visit, play a few games. They stayed for dinner, then we finished gifts after that. Kids did a great job with the break in action...for awhile!
Only picture I got of us together for the day!
Great Grandpa Ron and Gail...they're heading to Arizona in a few days!
Grandma and her Disney store problem!

After gifts were finally done, we had some dessert, and then relaxed in our jammies. Was a long day of fun, so we were to bed on time to continue on tomorrow for more family fun.

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