Saturday, December 26, 2015

Let Christmas Continue...

Saturday morning...up and on the road by 8am! Headed to Pewaukee to celebrate with the Knutson's!
Gizmo...again wanting to sit on Rowan's lap!
We stopped by Karen and Doug's house first to drop off Gizmo. They were thrilled to have him for the weekend. It doesn't happen much anymore. Then we were off to Grandma Julie and Grandpa Kris's house! We started with some breakfast...working on getting the kids to wait and be patient. They really are getting pretty good at it!
Rowan in her stocking...or santa hat. Hopefully she will learn how to sit in a skirt some day.
Eddie too.
Once again...too many wonderful gifts for all of us. Kept us busy for a couple hours!
The Grandparents!
With the grandkids...
Amanda and the kids and I took a quick trip out to visit Great Grandma Marion! We had some new pictures for her and wanted to say hello while we were in town. We tried to miss lunch, but she was still finishing up when we arrived. So we interrupted for a few minutes for a quick visit. Sadly, she didn't know who any of us were, but she was thrilled with the kids.
Then about 12:30, we got back in the car to head to Elkhorn for the big Knutson Christmas. Not very excited to be back in the car for another 45 minute drive, but we all survived. Always fun to catch up with cousins, aunts and uncles!
Me with pregnant Casey (because you can't even tell)! Baby #3 coming in April is a boy!
Grandma Audrey with the twins.
Great Grandma Audrey, Rowan and Eddie!
Eddie and Quinn in a big squeeze!
My cousin Kelsie is delivering twin girls in 2 had to get a picture of Grandma with the twins and twins to be!
Grandma and her Grandkids and significant others!
Grandma and the boys
Just the grandkids with Grandma
And apparently we never do the boys with their here it is!
We did have dinner together and did do a gift pictures of that apparently. Too busy keeping our eye on the best gift. We did pretty well, walked away with a movie theatre gift card and Ed got some tools!
We were on our way back to Grandma and Grandpa's house before to relax a bit before heading to bed!

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