Sunday, December 27, 2015

Last one of the weekend...

Christmas with the Blodgett's!
We were at Karen and Doug's house for breakfast at 9am! And it was delicious. We had an egg bake, cinnamon French toast bake, muffins, sausage, bacon....etc. Then we did open some presents...took some pictures too!
Four Generations of ladies!
New for us this year...Great Grandpa is living in a nursing home and doesn't get around easily anymore, so we paid him a visit! He isn't exactly a man of many words anymore, but he did pay attention to us a bit!
He gave Eddie a five!
I realized this weekend, that is will be the first Christmas where we will see all of our Grandparents/Great Grandparents. Happy to get pictures of the kids with all of them! We will finish up with Ed's family next weekend!
After visiting Great Grandpa, we loaded up the car and started the trek home. Because we were so blessed, we had to use the topper to get all of our gifts home, and the trunk was packed as well! This picture of Eddie shows how busy our weekend of travelling was!
The Packer game was on towards the end of our drive, so we listened to it on the radio! With plans of quickly unpacking the car when we got home and then watching the end! Well, while unpacking the truck, somehow my rear window shattered! So instead of watching the game (which they were losing and playing horribly, so didn't matter much) we spent our time going through all of our belongings throwing out window shrapnel, and cleaning up the garage as well. Didn't make us very happy.
While we were busy...Rowan got Julie all dressed up in some of her new clothes.
And that was the end of our fun family filled weekend of travelling for 2015. We are on the road again next weekend to finish up the holidays in Iowa and Illinois...but that'll be 2016 technically.

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