Sunday, November 4, 2012

Glen Elyn, IL

We were on the road Friday evening to head to Illinois to visit Uncle Dusty and Aunt Julie (Monty too) in their new house. We got there around 7pm, settled in and had some dinner. We visited, had a few drinks, tested our capitol knowledge (pretty sad, our knowledge I mean), and then were off to bed.
Rowan and Eddie had to be reaquainted with Monty. Yes, our kids were tired and hungry and sick of being in the car upon arrival, but he knocked both of them over several times, causing quite a few tears. He is a tank, and it didn't take much for him to knock both of them down. He was really just trying to kiss them and play, but they weren't ready for it, for at least an hour or so, then everyone was fine.
Saturday morning, Rowan helped Uncle Dusty make pancakes. Then we showered and all headed to Ikea. After Ikea we went out for lunch at a burger joint. Then home for nap and a little house work for the men. After that, Jill, Jamie and Matt joined us and we headed out bowling.
Excuse the lower pictures, they are all from my iphone. We met Bob, Kelly and Kaitlin at a bowling alley and threw a few balls. This was Rowan and Eddie's first time bowling. Rowan had fun, Kaitlin was her little coach and helper. Uncle Dusty helped Eddie throw a few balls too. We had a few appetizers and drinks, and then headed home for some grilled pizza courtesy of Dusty. Dusty and Julie got a new fire pit from Bob and Kelly, so Ed assembled that and they tried it out. I stayed inside, it was a bit too cold for that for me.
Sunday morning we got up and had breakfast and then headed home. We had to stop at Nana and Papa's to get Gizmo and Ed's car, and we caravaned the rest of the way home.

It was a fun and busy weekend. Love Dusty and Julie's new home. Definitely more room for all of us.

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