Friday, November 9, 2012

Disney bound...

We were up and out the door by 445am this morning, on our way to Disney World!
Flights went well. We flew out of Appleton at 6am, with a connection in Atlanta. Kids did well on the first flight, got a little antsy near the end, but overall were well behaved. Our layover was about 1.5 hours, but didn't seem that long by the time we ate something and got to our next gate. And the next flight was short and sweet. We had to wait a little bit to get out of the jetway, so the kids ran back and forth down the jetway waiting for the door to open. They had fun with the pilots and flight attendants. And they both got their first set of wings.
We arrived at our hotel, the Animal Kingdom Lodge, just before 2pm. Enough time to unpack, snoop around and then head to Downtown Disney where we had a 5pm dinner reservation at Planet Hollywood. It was a quick meal, as the kids were definitely lacking sleep from waking up early and not really napping much (Eddie fell asleep on the bus from airport to hotel, and that was it). So we ate quick and then went back to the hotel to bed. There wasn't much toddler oriented Downtown Disney at night anyway. Would have liked to go into the Lego store, but they kids were past their prime at that point.

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