Wednesday, November 21, 2012

bubbles and giggles

We decided to head south a day early this week so that we could spend some time with Grandpa Dick who was in town staying with Nana and Papa for a few days. We had some dinner, a bonfire, a bubble bath and relaxation prior to Thanksgiving.
Rowan and Eddie tested out Nana and Papa's bathtub! Eddie wasn't too sure of the jets and bubbles at first. But once Papa showed him how to control the jets, he was into it. Rowan thought it was a mini swimming pool!
Grandpa Dick was busy working on his laptop with Ed's help most of the time. But once we tore him away from the table, he got the kiddos giggling with his ginormous hands (that'd be where Ed III got his sausage fingers) It was really nice to see him out of his comfort zone of Cedar Rapids and enjoying himself! Nana started the kids riding on Grandpa Dick's walker, which they wanted to do over and over and over again. Rowan was super interested in his 'cord' aka oxygen. It was a short visit, but much needed for all I think! Hope we can get Grandpa Dick back over the holidays!

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