Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Three Months Old...

And cuter than ever!
What to say about our 3 month old boy?

On our scale at home he is 15.5 pounds!

He is such a good baby! He is still eating Similac Sensitive, 5 oz at a time. Usually every three hours during the day, and once or twice at night. It seems like his schedule at night is sleeping by 830pm, up around 130am to eat, and again around 5am, then sleeps until 830am. He is up for about 30 minutes. And that is to eat and assure he is sleeping again. I guess it isn't too bad, but he hasn't slept through the night once yet. Hoping that will come sometime soon. He might be wanting to move to 6 oz feedings in the near future. He finishes 5 oz easily but is usually content with it. We will see.

We continue off of Zantac without issues. I thought last week he was maybe refluxing a bit again, but I think he had a cold/snot issue. I do suck his nose out regularly (almost daily) with the bulb syringe, but it wasn't cutting it last week. But we are past that now!

He is still sleeping in our room in the pack n play. I managed to ditch the boppy he was sleeping on on his side pretty much since birth, and he is now generally sleeping on his belly. He is still in the raised part of the pack n play, but I am thinking that needs to be retired as it has a weight limit of 15 pounds it says! Ours is a little stretched out anyway from when Rowan decided she should climb in it shortly after he was home! Until he decides to sleep through the night, we will probably keep him in our room. I don't want to chance waking Rowan up in the middle of the night!

He LOVES his bouncy seat. Especially the monkey that hangs from it. He is getting better and better at tummy time as the days go by. He is okay with laying on his playmat and batting at the toys on there too. And the swing is probably his least favorite, but he will tolerate it for a short while and occasionally fall asleep in it. He really gets his arms and legs going these days. Loves to swat at things in front of him. Sort of grabs things, but not really. I think Ed tries to put him in the bumbo on a daily basis, but his neck isn't quite ready for that.

He is wearing size 2 diapers. Size 3-6 month clothing. Uses a pacifier to fall asleep usually, or in the car and that is about it. We honestly have been using the same pacifier since he was born. The extra one is in the diaper bag and hasn't had to be pulled out yet. He is still using a slow flow nipple to eat. Might try the 3 month nipple soon, but he chokes on occassion with the slow flow, so we will see.

Back to the Pediatrician in July for his 4 month check up and Rowan's 3 year check up. Vaccines for both, could be a rough night in the Smith household on July 18th!

1 comment:

Cora said...

Nummy! I do love me a chunky monkey baby. But you're right, it does make buying clothes for the next season/age very difficult!