Saturday, June 25, 2011


We started out the morning at the Farmers Market in Appleton (after Ed got home from work). It was a pretty quick trip, since we were mostly there to browse and didn't buy much. There was a ton of strawberries there, but we already had some at home. So we got a pound of sugar snap peas, 2 peaches and a tomato! I know, big spenders!

Then we headed to Dick's Sporting goods to get some fishing gear (or a new pole!) in preparation for Conover next week. If I got a dollar for every time Ed has said he wants to go fishing this week, I'd be a rich woman. The man can't wait!

Then it was home to get the pool out and filled. A short amount of playtime before nap and lunch. And then out again after nap! Finally a nice day in WI!
Not sure we will get the peas again! They tasted great, but this is what we got out of a 3$ pound of peas! Barely a serving for one person!

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