Sunday, June 5, 2011

pool weekend

This weekend was awesome. We were home all weekend and had wonderful weather. Saturday didn't jive too well with schedules for Rowan and McKenna. They napped at different times and therefore didn't get to play together until like 430pm.

But today, these 2 girls were outside and played their hearts out from 10am until 430pm. And no naps were had by either of them. And they didn't outwardly misbehave either. So us parents were back and forth between our yard with Rowan's pool/water table/sprinkler/swingset and McKenna's pool/slip n slide. Ava and Sophia (twin girls that live behind us) were sort of in and out both days. It was their 6th birthday today, so they were busy with tee ball and a party.
Rowan went down the slip and slide several times, but of course by the time I got the camera she was too cold and done. Thus using the slip n slide with the water turned off. Still a cute video. McKenna's daddy (Justin) was the videographer for me.

Even though it was a hot weekend, it was very relaxing that the kids had lots of fun. It's funny because it seems like one of us parents is always missing in order to tend to the babies. McKenna has a baby sister (Kendall) who was born just before Memorial Day. Ava and Sophia have a little brother, Griffin, who is 2 weeks older than Eddie. Hope we have more weekends like this in the near future. Except now that summer will be in full force, our weekend schedule seems to be filling up fast.

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