Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Jessie n Bennett

Today my cousin Jessie and her little boy Bennett came up to visit us for a few hours. The kids did very well together. Bennett could have sat there all day and watched Rowan run around and do her thing. It was really cute! Otherwise, Jessie and I visited, we had some lunch, and then they were on their way home. It was Jessie and Chris' anniversary today too, so they had dinner plans she needed to be home for! I was 9 months pregnant with Rowan when Jessie and Chris got married! Memories!

Wish I could take credit for his photo of Bennett, but I can't. His photographer Mommy took it. I can't believe I didn't take any pictures of the kids today! So I asked Jessie to share a picture of Bennett with me to use! Posts are so much better with pictures!

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