Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Just a little Rowan update!

Potty training has been going pretty well. Saturday night she was playing too hard on the swingset with McKenna and decided it wasn't important to go inside and pee. So we had a couple accidents then. But otherwise, she did pretty well most of the weekend. I have finally gotten her to wear big girl underwear too. So we then can only need sometimes one pull up a day. She sometimes wakes from her nap dry!

Our friendly mosquitos seem to be joining us now too. Rowan came in with 3 bites Saturday night as well. And her body doesn't tolerate them very well. Especially if she scratches them even the least bit. So we have spent the last few days putting hydrocortisone cream and bendadryl cream on her bites. You can see her puffy hand in the picture below as a result of a bite on her wrist!

And after this weekend, all Rowan asks for is her pool and McKenna! Ugh! And it has been too hot or too windy to take Eddie outside the last couple of days. So she generally needs to wait for her Daddy to get home so that one of us can stay inside with Eddie while one of us takes her outside!
PS. you will have to scroll back to see some other updates I have added too. All the way back to 5/15/2011!

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