Sunday, June 26, 2011

R+M=crazy girls

We decided to get the girls out earlier to play today! That way we could hit nap at an adequate time and get the most of the beautiful day too! Not only do the girls have their fair share of pool time, but they always seem to throw in snacks from both houses as well. They are more of an eat on the run type for lunch on the weekend.

During nap, I ran to the store, and I picked up Rowan some pink goggles (yes McKenna has them on) (and no that wasn't the reason for the store trip, but they jumped in the cart) McKenna had some blue ones, and we have come to realize we need 2 of everything for these girls, or they tend to fight over it at times. But learned hard, that everything needs to be exactly the same! Oh well. They are satisfied eventually by sharing, sometimes not easily and not right away. But they do generally play very well together and share. I am learning that Rowan is usually the one to give in and share or give back what she has. That can be good and bad?


Josh (the boy that lives on the other side of us, turned 3 earlier in June) was out this weekend too. But I didn't manage to get any pictures of him! He didn't seem to want to do what the girls were doing most of the time, which might explain my lack of pictures. Our 2 toddler swings get their share of fighting over with 3 kids wanting them too. Hmmmm....we will learn to share very well and take turns by the end of the summer, I know that much!
And then there is Kendall! She is still doing mostly the eating and sleeping at this point, so she isn't out too much with us during the day. Her Mom would beg to differ the sleeping part, but she is working on it! These Freier girls do not lack in the hair category like our children!
Saving the best for last, our little stud muffin! We get comments daily on how good he is. He is totally fine just hanging out in his bouncy seat outside with us in the shade. Or on the ground on a blanket. Or he eats and sleeps. You don't hear much from him! We needed a boy like that!


Cora said...

Eddie is starting to look more and more like Ed to me! said...

Such a GOOD needed one like that!

Nicole said...

I agree with Cora. That bottom right picture is totally Ed! Such a sweet happy boy :-)

Katie said...

Wow does he look like your husband! He is a cutie!