Wednesday, June 1, 2011

potty training

So, on May 25th, a Wednesday, I decided to give the potty training a try with Rowan. We have had a potty seat for months, and every time we try her on it for real, we give up quickly because she hasn't had the interest. But since I was going back to work in less than a week, I thought I would give it a go before another change in this household!

And low and behold, it has gone very well! The first day I set a timer for every 10 minutes and asked her if she needed to go. If she didn't go then I set it for 5 minutes, and so on and so forth for the entire day. It was a long day, but she pooped in the potty 2 times, and only peed in her pull up once! I thought that was darn good for the first day.

The next several days she stayed dry all day (during her awake hours) napping and night time are the least of my worries right now. I think that will come with time. I even offered for her to wear big girl underwear on like day 3, but she wasn't interested. So we stuck with pull ups. She doesn't realize that those cost money and undies are washable! Another thing to note, on like day 2 I braved Walmart and the eye doctor with this new potty venture, and she peed at both Walmart (I just took her right when we got there to prevent any accidents) and she told me she had to go at the eye dr. I was impressed.

More updates to come on this topic I am sure.

Anyway, I had taken this poop picture with my phone and sent to Ed at work the first time she pooped on the potty. I thought for sure pooping was going to be an issue and the last thing to accomplish, but quite honestly she does the best with pooping on the potty.


Lisa said...

Really you posted a pic of poop!! Gross!

Tammy Sue said...

EEEEEEWWWWWWWW!! (but congrats!! )

Cora said...

It will go the best if you get her out of that pull-up (usually). We end up doing naked tooshie time around here. Way to go big girl! (And I totally took a poo pic too...but I don't think I posted it!)