Monday, January 31, 2011

thirty-three weeks

Another day, another doctor appointment. 7 weeks to go! Appointment went fine. Other than the fact that we didn't go back to the exam room until 30+ minutes after our appointment time. And I was the only one in the waiting room with a toddler, or child of any kind. So I was getting a little annoyed that it seemed like everyone was coming after me and getting seen before me. Luckily Rowan was a peach today and was very patient. Probably more than me!

Anyways, my blood pressure was good as usual (102/52). Urine was good. Fundal height measured 32 cm. Come to find out I have been measuring a bit behind all along, but have been growing all along, so no concerns. But the thought I had of having a bigger baby might be out the window. Nothing to blame all the weight gain on I guess. Speaking of weight, gained another 4 pounds this time, I think. Therefore, my total weight gain in 33 weeks, is 33 pounds. Thinking I am going to surpass Rowan's 40 pound weight gain! Oh well! Just might have to work a little harder to lose it this time.

Next visit will be the last 2 week appointment at 35 weeks, then we start weekly appointments. At 35 weeks the doctor will do the GBS swab (if it comes back positive, I will have to receive antibiotics before the baby is born to prevent transfer of the infection. I was negative with Rowan, but that doesn't mean anything this time) and check my cervix for the first time.
In other news, I did do some more organizing of the baby's room this weekend, even put the bedding on. I needed to get it out of the closet so I could finish that project. Next will be getting the carseat and other baby accessories out of totes in the basement.

I am getting anxious to meet this baby. In the beginning I was nervous just thinking about managing 2 children (3 if you include Ed!). But now I am to the point where I just want to do it and figure it out. And I am sick of looking at neutral baby stuff. I haven't bought much because I would much rather buy pink or blue! 

I am ready to fit in my clothes again. That is my only complaint about this pregnancy. The time of year doesn't agree with me because nothing fits me. So as Ed says, it will be sweatpants and sweatshirts (mostly Ed's) for the remainder of this pregnancy I think. Not that that is out of the ordinary for me. But the all so 'supposedly' comfortable maternity jeans aren't so comfortable to me. It is like wearing a strapless dress, you are constantly pulling it/them up! A battle I have now given up on.

1 comment:

Cora said...

I did hate how those pants would fall down. That got annoying! You're still looking great, and I think there is a big ole boy growing happily away in there. It really is too bad you can't start shopping now!