Wednesday, January 26, 2011

potty update

On a positive note, Rowan went potty in public for the first time this week. When we were at the mall on Monday night with Grandma Pam, she went potty on the little kid toilet. I was very impressed. But that is about all I can say for potty training. Rowan goes pee on the potty fairly frequently at home, but we are lucky to have a half a day of dryness, then she loses interest the other half of the day. And pooping isn't even on the toilet spectrum yet. We have put her in regular underwear a couple of times, and she will be good for a few hours, and then it goes downhill from there. I can only handle an accident or two before I have her back in a pull up or diaper. Therefore, I don't think she is quite ready, so we aren't going to push it hard yet. As much as we would like her to be trained by the time #2 arrives, the chance of her regressing when the baby is here is pretty good, so it might not be worth the struggle. I would rather wait until she is ready!

1 comment:

Cora said...

Gotta love the public toilet pic! Just wait until she is really into the "training" will visit a toilet everywhere you go. It gets real old, real fast!

I say wait until she is really ready.