Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our little toddler...

...is growing up so fast.

I can't believe Rowan is 2 1/2 already. Feels like yesterday we were using a pacifier and holding her constantly. Now sometimes we are lucky to get to hold her and cuddle. Although she is quite the snuggler, but it is usually only on her terms!

So what is Rowan doing these days?? 

She is weighing about 28.5 pounds. (I weighed her at my doctor appointment earlier this week)
Wearing 3T for the most part. Some 2T still fits, but not much. And some 3T is too big, but we would rather have things be too big than too small!
Size 7 in shoes

Rowan is attending daycare 1 day a week. She still doesn't love being dropped off at daycare, but has fun once she warms up. She just isn't there enough to be used to it. I am starting to look into preschools for her for the fall.

Potty training is a work in progress, but not a daily task. She does go potty on the toilet a few times a day, but we still aren't pushing it. She just has no interest in it somedays. As much as we would really like to have her out of diapers before her brother/sister arrives in March, it isn't seeming like that is going to happen. I have been told that with a change like a new baby, kids tend to regress when it comes to potty training anyways, so I am not going to fret it yet. And we technically have until Fall when she would start preschool to have it mastered completely.

Rowan sleeps in her big girl bed every night. Generally she is in bed between 8 and 830p, and up around 6am. Sometimes she crawls into bed with me before 6am, but will fall back asleep until 6am generally. Haven't figured out how to get the girl to sleep in. She usually takes a 1 1/2 hour nap a day, in the afternoon, sometimes longer.

Rowan is a pretty good eater overall. But she has good meals and bad meals. She either eats really well, or nothing at all for a meal. She is good with fruits and vegetables, but loves her junk food too. We are horrible about making her drink milk. She will have chocolate milk occassionally, but isn't a lover of that either. Therefore it is usually water or watered down juice. Is it weird that we still water down her juice? I figure it isn't hurting her. She only gets full strength juice if she is having a juice box.

Rowan is working on her letters and numbers. She can count to 10 for the most part, but tends to forget the #5. And the alphabet, well that is always comical. She does know it pretty well, but skips around at times. Very cute. She knows her first name, obviously. We are trying to teach her her full name. It is a work in progress.
What is Rowan into these days?

Seems to be something new everyday lately. In general it rotates between Mickey Mouse and friends, Toy Story 3, puzzles (regular ones now, not the wooden ones, although she needs lots of help still), taking care of her babies (any of them on a given day), walking Gizmo around the house with a leash, playing kitchen, and helping us do just about anything and everything. Oh and repeating! She copies everything we do and say. So we need to watch our vocabulary big time, as well as things we do.

Her independence, or wanting to be independent has turned out to be a very trying issue for us. We don't have great patience, either of us, so the extra time it takes to let her do things herself is difficult for us. But we are learning. She makes us laugh every minute of every day with things she is saying or doing! We are all growing and learning together!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Rowan looks so big in these pictures :)