Saturday, January 15, 2011

the 'after' holiday celebration

Today we made our final trip of the winter back to Pewaukee for the Knutson Family Christmas. Last year I wasn't able to go because I had to work, so it was nice to see everyone! Breyson, Rowan and Sawyer were the center of entertainment most of the evening, until the Packer game started of course.
Grandma and Grandpa K got Rowan the ultimate gift, a Jessie doll, that talks! She was so excited, and hasn't let her out of her sight since she opened her. The kids were good helpers when it came to gift opening all afternoon.
Then Cousin Dan introduced Rowan and Breyson (aka Buzz and Woody) to his drum set in the basement. Big mistake! They both loved it. No one managed to hurt the other luckily! There sure were sticks flying though. Grandma and Grandpa K found Breyson and Sawyer Toy Story dress up clothes, so the kids took turns acting the part. Breyson showed us all how he plays Buzz, jumping off of a chair (with his eyes closed) so then Rowan had to try too! Kids I tell you!
After visiting, and watching the kids ham it up, we had a lovely meal, and then it was time to cheer on the Packers. We stayed until halftime and then headed home. Ed was up at 4am for work that morning (but him and Rowan napped on our way to Pewaukee while I drove), and had to work again on Sunday, so we couldn't stay for the entire game, although it was such a good game we would have liked to!

Hard to believe we won't have a trip scheduled for a few months now. We put enough miles and hours on in the car in the last month and a half, and I am getting to far along now to be galavanting around the state. So our next road trip we will have 2 carseats in the car!

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