Wednesday, January 19, 2011

more swimming fun

Rowan had another fun night at swimming lessons. She continues to have no fear of the water. We had a different teacher this week, and she noticed immediately her lack of fear. I was trying to ask her the progression of classes to help decide if I should just sign her up for the next class for the 2nd winter session, but that class starts like 2 weeks before my due date and goes through it. So not sure we want to have that commitment. But would like to let her continue so she is ready to safely swim by summer!

Today, Rowan learned how to get climb out the side of the pool all by herself. Otherwise we worked on floats, and jumping, and kicking, and blowing bubbles, and putting our ears in the water too. Got to use some new toys too. She liked using the barbell floaty. Lots more singing too!

Not sure I am going to be able to shimmy into the suit many more times this pregnancy, so Dad might be taking over. But it is fun, so I am going to go as long as I can, perhaps I should just buy a prego suit? We will see.

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