Tuesday, January 25, 2011

few and far between...

It is very rare that I do a post without picutres, but I feel like we need a weekend in review.

It was a busy weekend despite not being around much. Grandma Pam spent the last 4 days with us, thankfully, to watch Rowan as both Ed and I had to work again this weekend. Sunday we did get to watch the Packer game and cheer them on. Then it was back to work for me shortly after.

Monday, Rowan went to daycare while I slept. Then I got a long overdue haircut and eyebrow wax. After picking Rowan up from daycare, we took Grandma Pam to the mall for some shopping to get her out of the house! Then it was an early night to bed for all of us (although that is how most night are around here).

Today I was on call from 3a-11a, which is why Grandma Pam stayed past the weekend. Since we are always up early, I decided to go to my staff meeting this morning at 730a, then did some errand running/shopping before coming home for lunch. My goal was to get a few last minute baby items we needed/wanted, but my trip turned into much more. Between the mall last night, and my shopping today, I got some awesome clearance deals on clothes for Rowan (some for next fall/winter, and some for the rest of this winter) Wishing I would have known the sex of this baby so I could have bought ahead for him/her too, but there are always other sales!

Ed was home early today because we had the inspector come out and look at the basement to allow us to move forward with drywall. All went well with that, so Ed will be a drywalling fool very soon! Also this afternoon, I headed to the doctor to have a new/suspicious mole removed on my back. All went well with that as well. Some lidocaine and a few stitches later, I was on my way home. This means Dad will be swimming with Rowan tomorrow. Hoping to get some video footage! Sorry to bore you all with our weekend of events, but documentation is key!

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