Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Another baby update...(38 4/7 weeks)

Essentially this is going to be quite a repeat of weeks past updates, with a few upsetting concepts that hasn't made us very happy.

So we will start with the positive, the baby is fine, so no worries there. Heart rate was 121, my blood pressure was fine, I actually lost one pound in the last week (not so sure how that happened, but it is fine with me, one less to lose later), measured at 38cm, so right on. Then came the cervix check, and NO CHANGE!

Depressing thought #1: Still only fingertip dilated, although she thinks the head is coming down, but not engaged yet. And the cervix is long still. So essentially in my mind not much progress from last week. I realize my due date hasn't come and gone yet, so I shouldn't be upset, but I am ready to get things moving along.

Then, yesterday I got a phone call from the doctors office saying that I needed to reschedule my appointment for July 14th (yes, after my due date) So today when I got there I attempted to reschedule. Come to find out, the reason I needed to reschedule was because Dr. Fox is on vacation that entire week (Depressing thought #2). So essentially we have gone the last 9 1/2 months seeing a doctor that probably isn't going to be there to deliver our baby unless I go into labor before my due date. Which is highly unlikely with the lack of progress my cervix has made at this point.

So next week Wednesday, if by some great chance I have made great progress, she might think about inducing me by the end of the week while she is still around. Chances are that isn't going to be the case since we went this week without dilating. If I don't deliver the week after my due date while she is gone, then we will plan for an induction Monday July 21st (which is 9 days past my due date (Depressing thought #3), something I was also trying to avoid, but a week past my due date falls on a weekend, and they don't like to induce on weekends unless medically necessary).

Okay fine, so she recommends I make an appointment for the week she is gone, with one of her fellow colleagues. I can choose whomever I would like to make this appointment with, and the only other doctor I have heard anything about is Dr. McCann, courtesy of my fellow friend and co-worker, Cora. So I ask for the appointment to be with him, but he only has appointments on Monday, and is out of town the rest of the week also. How convenient! Currently I have the appointment with him, but I am thinking I should make the appointment with someone else in the group, so that we can meet this person at least one time before they could possibly be delivering our baby. But I have no idea who to choose, if anything I know of one doctor in the group I absolutely don't want, which doesn't help me out at all.

So needless to say, we left the doctors office rather irritated. And now more than ever do we want to get this show on the road, but it isn't looking like it will be sooner than later. Not to mention, if we end up getting induced on the 21st, that is another week of work I have to get through. I could potentially not work, but why waste a week of maternity leave still pregnant?


WI Smith family said...

I love your new background on your web page. Not to are just worrying too much. Things will be fine. I know you want your doctor to deliver....but they all know what they are you will be in good hands! less than 3 will have a BABY! :)

Cora said...

This sucks Megan. I know how much I wanted Dr. M to deliver me...perhaps you could try a footling breech and emergent c-sec? Just kidding!

Anyways, I did see Dr. S while in the hospital, and he was pretty nice. I've been told that his horror stories do have extenuating circumstances that we're not aware moms adament about VBAC'ing and refusing the recommended section, etc. Heidi M used him with her 1st pregnancy.

Dr. B is also good, and like I said kind of abrupt with the staff, but wonderful with her moms.

Are you sure that both McCann & Fox will be gone at the same time? It's not that huge of a practice...I'd think that they'd limit it to 1 MD at a time. Overall it does suck, but in the end you're going to have the same wonderful result.