Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Induction...July 10th @8:30 am

So here is how the doctor visit went today in a nutshell...

For one, this is the fastest we have ever gotten in and out of the office for an appointment, imagine that. We were in the first waiting room for maybe 3 minutes, did the weight (gained a pound and a half, made up for last week of course), then BP (it was stellar, again, 100/56) then completely surpassed the usual second waiting room and went right into the exam room, and we were maybe in the exam room 5 minutes and the doctor walked in, so this was record time.

So anyway, doctor measured the fundal height (made no comment, so assume it was fine), checked heartrate (120, fairly normal for Baby Smith), then checked cervix (1 cm!!! Yahoooo...progress, right?)

Then she asks us what our feelings are as far as intervention, would we like the idea of an induction or are we completely opposed. I respond by saying, we are absolutely in favor of an induction, how soon are we talking. She thinks tomorrow is better than Friday because there wouldn't be a guarantee I would deliver Friday and then she wouldn't be around Saturday and they try not to pass off ongoing inductions to their colleagues. So, she completely left the decision up to us, she wasn't completely in favor of inducing considering I haven't had a single contraction and am only 1 cm dilated and she would feel really bad if I end up going through this long, horribly painful induction, which could result in a C-section all because she is going to be on vacation next week and my cervix isn't exactly looking very favorable. But she was willing to do it if that is what we wanted. My defense was, I could wait until the original plan to induce on the 21st and potentially still be induced and end up with a long horrible labor then too, and that would be at 41 2/7 weeks, tomorrow I will be 39 5/7 weeks. So what is the difference, at least tomorrow I am guaranteed that she will be the doctor!

So she leaves the room so I can get dressed and Ed and I can discuss, she needed to call St. Joe's and make sure they weren't booked in the first place. She leaves the room, and I start bawling, remember I am pregnant, hormones!! Why am I crying? Not so sure. Mainly because I don't know what to do, I know Ed and I both want to do the induction tomorrow but is it the right decision? Will I regret it? Our luck St. Joe's will be booked anyways and we are stressing over nothing. So I get dressed and regroup so we can meet her out and the desk and see if there is an opening. Oh yeah, we had decided to go for it in the mean time.

So we get to the desk where the doctor is on the phone, turns out there is an opening, and I start crying all over again. (Once I start I can't stop!) Keep in mind there are like 4 or 5 nurses standing around watching me bawl, Ed feels like they are looking at him like he pressured me into this decision, which was not the case at all. It was definitely a joint decision. So anyway, moral of the story, we got the induction all set up for tomorrow morning at 8:30 am. We are to call before we go in to make sure labor and delivery doesn't get swamped through the night and they still have room for us. They better after the difficult emotional decision we just made.

So, I guess that was more of a novel, than the story in a nutshell. After the appointment, we made a few stops for some odds and ends, and really just to waste some time. We went to Sam's Club for some snacks, Walmart, Target, Verizon Wireless for a new cell phone for me, then Applebee's for our last dinner out without a baby, then home finally around 6pm. Forgot to mention the umpteen phone calls and text messages to family and friends to share the news. Sorry if we forgot anyone, the more important update will be when this baby is finally with us on the outside!

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