Tuesday, July 29, 2008

2 weeks 5 days Pediatrician Appt...

We have a bit of a chunker on our hands....

Let's think back to July 10th...
Rowan's birthweight 7/10/08: 6# 7oz, 20 inches long
Home from hospital 7/12/08: 6# 2oz
1st Pediatrician Appt 7/15/08: 6# 3oz
2nd Pediatrician Appt 7/29/08: 7# 10oz, 21 inches long

Needless to say, the Pediatrician says she looks good physically, is obviously growing well. Clearly I have enough breastmilk according to the Pediatrician also. We are still figuring out the breastfeeding thing, but so far so good. Trying to stop pumping to get my supply a bit more under control, and need to start trying without the nipple shield. If we can't get rid of it within a week or so he wants me to meet with a lactation consultant to find out why she can't latch without it. So we will cross our fingers. Life would be so much easier without pumping and a nipple shield. Of course once I go back to work I will have to start pumping again, but I do have a bit of a supply frozen already!
This picture was actually from the weekend in MI, Molly got the kids gifts and she found these adorable headbands online for Miss Rowan. You will see more pictures with the headbands Thursday for her 3 week pictures!

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