Tuesday, July 15, 2008

1st Pediatrician Appointment...

Rowan had her first Pediatrician appointment at 11am today, and it went well. Ed was impressed with how quick it went, we were getting used to the long waits in the OB/GYN office, so this was nice. We didn't see her actual Pediatrician as he was on vacation, but we saw an associate of his, and she was very nice.

Rowan weighed 6 lbs. 3 oz. , so she has gained an ounce since leaving the hospital on Saturday. (Yes, she was 6# 7 oz at birth, but she was 6# 2 oz. when we came home) I was happy to see that weight gain, might be the nurse in me. Glad to know this breastfeeding and pumping is worth something!

Otherwise, there really isn't anything else to report, they said she looked good, a little jaundice, we are supposed to get her some sun, but it is too ungodly humid and hot outside to take her out these days. The nurse had me put her to breast while we were there due to my sore, scabbed nipples (I know, doesn't sound pleasant) and of course she got on right away and did perfect, that doesn't always happen at home. But overall she does very well with it. We are just taking a break over the next couple days to get the nipples back to normal and to stop bleeding, the engorgement down with hot and cold compresses, etc, etc, so the pump and I have become best of friends. Which means I am still up at night with her, if I am not feeding her, I am pumping. Vicious cycle.

1 comment:

Cora said...

Well, at least that pump we got you is getting a good work out! I feel your pain with the pumping...it is such a pain in the ass! (am I allowed to say ass on your blog?)