Sunday, July 6, 2008

Uneventful 4th of July...(39 1/7 weeks)

Sorry we don't have any festive photos to share, or exciting fireworks stories either. Our weekend has been rather uneventful. Ed has been working the last 4 days, and I worked on friday night too, so not much time for fun.

On Thursday night Ed got off of work a little early so we were able to go out to dinner and then take Gizmo over to play with Tallulah while Ed helped his dad trim a few branches off a tree in the yard. I took the camera along to play with and got a few good pictures of the dogs, and some flowers in the yard, and even the men at work. I am not really a flower person, but the pictures sure show how nice our camera is. As well as the action photos of the dogs romping around.
Friday we both worked, so didn't have time to attend any parades or fireworks. Poor Gizmo was Ed's shadow all night friday night as he is very scared of fireworks. But of course that wasn't the only night with fireworks, it has been non-stop noise when it gets dark around here. I am sure our 4th of July festivities next year will be a bit more exciting with a child! Can't wait.

Yesterday, Ed worked while I slept, then we had a chance to wash both our trucks, inside and out, and even wax Ed's truck. It was quite the project, but well overdue. Then we were invited over to Ed and Sue's to grill out. Again the dogs got to play, and we got to enjoy some cards and fabulous food! Now today, Ed is working, again, and I have a day to relax, finished cleaning the house, and probably have a list of other things to get done, but I might take advantage of doing nothing today. Waiting for Ed to come home for lunch and then see what the afternoon brings.

I have been very busy the last few days doing everything under the sun to try to get this child to come out, (mowed lawn, pulled weeds, trimmed trees, cleaned house, washed cars, plenty of bending and squatting, been in plenty of bumpy car rides, and the list goes on) so I have decided it isn't worth all the work anymore, I guess we will just wait and relax and this baby will come when it wants too. Back to the doctor Wednesday, crossing our fingers for some dilation perhaps.

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