Monday, November 5, 2007

Wausau, WI

We made a last minute trip on Friday November 2 up to Wausau, WI. My grandpa ended up having to have last minute open heart surgery on Wednesday. He had gone to Wausau on Tuesday to have a cardiac catheterization to find what was causing some previous stomach/chest pain. Turns out the blockages they found couldn't just be repaired with a couple of stents, so surgery was the next step. He could either take a cancellation that was open the next morning, or schedule a day the following week. Since they had already made the hour trip from Pickerel, they decided to take the opening the next day and get it over with.

We weren't going to make the trip because of us both having to work, but Friday morning about 10am Ed brought up the idea of going for the night, and he was willing to miss work friday and saturday for us to go. As you can imagine, I really had to twist Ed's arm to miss work, yeah right. So we were in the car by 11am friday and arrived in Wausau just before 2pm. Met my mom, Grandma, Karen and Steve at the hotel and checked in, ran some errands and then to the hospital to visit Grandpa. Made for a long day, in and out of the ICU visiting, but I am very glad we made the trip. Grandpa was doing pretty good even when we got there and was getting better every day.

He was discharged to home today around 2pm. Got a phone call from Grandma around 4pm saying they made it home and Grandpa was already pacing the house. Grandpa can't drive for a month so Grandma has to take to his followup appointments. So less than a week in the hospital and his heart is all fixed.
This is the plant we took him. They will keep it alive forever!

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