Monday, November 26, 2007


So Ed's Thanksgiving started off wonderful as he bowled a 605 on Wednesday night, and started celebrating the holiday early with the men and not arriving home until 2am. I was at work while he was playing, the downfall of being a nurse in a hospital :(

Thursday morning, Ed headed to his parents to help prepare the holiday meal while I slept a bit. We enjoyed our turkey dinner during half time of the Packer/Lions game. (Which the Packers won of course) There was quite the rivalry with Ed II and Blayne being Lions fans, Ed III and Sue being Packer fans. The rest of us could really care less, but since the Packers are winning this year, I guess I am a fan too. Gizmo got to go to Ed and Sue's too since Peaches was home, Ed wouldn't let him go without his Packer jersey on, and he kept it on all day long surprisingly. Other than eating and relaxing, the real highlight of the day for me was Kieran. He is a whole new little boy compared to two months ago when we saw him last. He hardly sleeps anymore and he is smiley, quiet and content all the time. He loves playing on his tummy time mats, and actually plays with toys a bit now, he drools like no other, has a tooth, he loves to stand, he blows bubbles and talks, he is so much fun. And boy can he poop! He went through a couple of outfits on Thursday. Just can't seem to keep it in the diaper. You wouldn't know by my pictures that all he does is smile because I just haven't mastered getting the picture at the right time. I tried really hard though.

Molly and I took Kieran outside to enjoy his first snowfall. Wasn't much, but it stuck for the day and was white and cold. He got to touch it, Molly and Blayne didn't have any snowpants for him yet so we couldn't sit him in it. I think he would have loved that. Molly and Blayne were heading home to MI to several inches of snow it sounded like, so he will see plenty of white stuff.
Ed had to work at 530am on friday morning for all the crazy shoppers, and I happened to be one of them. I think this was the first year I went early, I was out of the house just before 6am. I managed to go to Menards, Sears, and Kohls where I was successful, Best Buy and Sports Authority I didn't find anything I had to have. I was home by 8am.

We had lunch at Ed and Sue's Friday (turkey, imagine that) so we could see Blayne, Molly and Kieran before they headed back home. Kieran had on the cutest onesie for Christmas, can't wait to see what he wears on Christmas. And I finally got a picture of him smiling. I'm learning fast.

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