Sunday, November 18, 2007

Game Night...

Last night we finally had a chance to get together with some friends and family for dinner and a few games. We went to dinner at Bravo at Brookfield Square with Aaron, Andrea, Chris and Jessie. After dinner we came back to our house and played a few games. We started out with LCR (left, center, right, dice game), but no one had any money, so playing with our quarters wasn't as much fun since no one really won. So after a few rounds of that we pulled out Catch Phrase, I think it was the first time it was opened since last Christmas (shows how much time we have for games) Catch Phrase was fun for all of us, boys against girls of course, I am pretty sure us girls won. Wasn't a late night as Ed had to work this morning, and I was only going on a few hours of sleep myself, but it was a fun night. Long overdue.

Playing Catch Phrase...

The Ladies aka 'Champions'

Cousin Jessie and Fiance Chris, engaged, Wedding date June 7, 2008

Andrea and Aaron, expecting Baby #1 May 2008!

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