Tuesday, September 8, 2015

First day of 2nd Grade

Seriously...2nd grade! Where has the time gone? This smiley little girl isn't so little anymore. I hope Mrs. Trepanier is ready for this sassy spunky lady. Today Eddie and I walked to school with Rowan and will walk to meet her this afternoon. I remember when the bus made me nervous in kindergarten...but now walking makes me more nervous! Ugh.
We went into school with Rowan...where she found her friend Avery!
And her locker...
I can't even tell you how many times Eddie asked me when it was time to walk and get Rowan. Though he entertains himself well, he still missed his sister.
But we kept busy while she was away. We went to the park, played games, read books, exercised, did laundry...standard day in our life.

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