Saturday, September 5, 2015

Amazing day in Lake Geneva!

We have to preface this day starting last night...when I realized 45 minutes into our trip that we forgot my dress and Ed's dress shirt and pants for the wedding tomorrow! So that was awesome! Therefore, we arrived at my Mom and Bill's house by 6pm, to eat quick and head to the outlet mall to shop for something to wear for the wedding tomorrow. Just wasn't worth the time to turn around and get our stuff.
So after we found something to wear, it was time for bed essentially. We were up Saturday morning, made sure kids had all they needed, got new stuff washed the night before and ironed and ready this morning. Then Ed and I were off to Lake Geneva. We arrived a little sooner than planned, so drove by the hotel, grabbed some snacks and then headed to Bonnie's house to meet up with the Speck gang. Then it was time to head out on the lake! It was awesome. It was perfect weather for it because it was pretty darn hot out of the water! We anchored the boat off a shallow shore with many other boats...and hung out. Swam, played ball with Tommy, had some beverages, etc...for a few hours. Then we headed up the lake for lunch. We had lunch and some more drinks before it was time to head back so that Ed and I could get showered and ready for the wedding tonight.
Hudson was in the water in his boat for the first time and loved it. He is such a chill little dude. Love him!
Lunch...guys and gals.
We checked into the hotel about 430p, showered and met up with the group about 545pm. We boarded the boat at 630pm and were off. Ceremony was short and sweet just like Eric and Laura planned.
 Then it was beverages, some appetizers, music, and fun with family. Here are the boys...
...and the girls.
Usually when we are together we are too busy taking pictures of all of our kids together, so was nice to get a picture of us adults.
We disembarked at 1030pm, and Ed and I met Chris, Jessie and others at Champs bar for some after appetizers and drinks. Ed and I were headed back to the hotel at midnight. A long fun day of fun and drinking was exhausting but so worth it.

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