Saturday, September 12, 2015

busy but fun saturday

Eddie started soccer this morning! This season we are doing soccer through Forest Lake for a couple reasons...first of all the time was better! 9-10am is better than 1030-1145am in Vadnais Heights. Also, this league is put on in partnership with the select club in FL, so thought maybe it'd be more structured. They have a curriculum for the coaches to follow and what not. There is hardly any standing around even when scrimmaging! So far so good.
After soccer, we had to run to Total Hockey again to get Eddie a hockey helmet that Ed thought he should have for skate school that starts next week. Plus then he could use it this afternoon at Camden's skating birthday party!
After Total hockey we ran home to grab a bite to eat and then head to Blaine for Camden's Party at 1230pm. The kids (and adults) skated from 1-2pm, then had pizza, popcorn and ice cream sandwiches!
Eddie did great for his first time on hockey skates. He used a push around metal holder for a bit but did skate a bit without it by the end of the hour too. And no tears at all!
I think his daddy is pretty proud...the adult men had just as much fun skating around the young boys I think. 
He is worse than the kids...on the way home from Blaine, we had to stop and get Ed a 'big gulp'. Can you tell we don't buy soda anymore (and we haven't for over a year now), sometimes this will curb a craving!

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