Tuesday, September 29, 2015

peg leg

Now that Eddie has mastered getting up off the ice on his own...he needs to get more aggressive with the skating. Tonight, he was only using his right leg to push off of and move...his left leg was like a stick that didn't move...we will work on that.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

last day of heat!

Today we took a trip to the park to enjoy the sun with a few of our neighbor friends. Kids got hot and sweaty and we headed home to cool off.
And the kids used their imaginations and made their own kites...Wind worked well for us for a change today!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

sunny saturday

...for soccer! Every Saturday morning is super wet...so our rain boots have gotten used frequently
Eddie in action...!
After soccer we had to race to the Hippodrome to get Eddie some free hockey gear. We got there just in time to get the last pieces he needed in his size! Phew, thankful.

Friday, September 25, 2015

2 thumbs up for Nana!

Nana had a double knee replacement done yesterday...so the kids sent her a picture this morning with 2 thumbs up! Surgery went well...and she will go home in a few days and do her own rehab.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


...skater sandwich!
Today Eddie mastered standing up on the ice! So proud of him!

Monday, September 21, 2015

park and swim

Eddie and I biked to the park today to play.
Another night of level 1 swim lessons...

Sunday, September 20, 2015

more food fun

Shrimp tacos with homemade pico de gallo

Saturday, September 19, 2015

soccer and capers

Another morning for soccer...thankful for the sun this morning.
And another new recipe! Ed was in charge of this one. Roasted brussel sprouts with garlic mashed potatoes, chicken and capers! It was delicious. The weekend is our time to try new things this week!

Friday, September 18, 2015

friday for me...sorta?

While Eddie was at school this morning, I took some time for me and got my hair cut and colored. Only the 2nd time this year! I actually love it. May take some getting used to short hair again, but so far so good.
After I picked Eddie up from school, we ran to Target for a few things and then met Uncle Mitch at Costco. He came over afterwards to do some laundry and play some Wii with Eddie. Uncle Mitch was quite impressed with Eddie's Wii abilities. 
For dinner I tried a new recipe! Homemade chicken pot pie. It was very good! Definitely make this one again!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

wacky wednesday!

Morning love to Nana on her birthday!
My goal on the days that both kids are at school is to run...I ran on Sunday, so passed on Monday...and ran today. I wanted to try a different route and it turned out being WAY longer than I thought it'd be. But I am more than thrilled with my time minus the blisters. I don't plan to repeat 5 miles anytime soon though. Maybe a compromise at 4 will work? This may have been the longest I have ever run in my life!

hip hop dance

Another week of dance class in the books...she sure loves her new pants, had to put restrictions on how often she can wear them. Guess I should stop washing them so much?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

skate school and gizmo!

Tonight Eddie started skate school at the White Bear Sports Center. For the most part it was successful. He is starting in Tots 1...once you are able to stand on the ice and get up from the ice, you move onto Tots 2! He wasn't successful getting up off the ice tonight! But it will come.
My sweet hockey boy in the making.
He wasn't as aggressive on the ice tonight as he was this weekend for Cam's party. Ed is gone tonight for work, so he wasn't available to assist him either...not that they would've let him. We will just need to go to open skate a bit.
On another note...today I spent the day communicating with Lori from Fluffy Dog Wellness regarding Gizmo and his allergies. I've been giving him Benadryl for weeks and it doesn't appear to be doing anything. So she recommended I change his food to a raw diet and try milk thistle supplements for his skin. Therefore Eddie and I had to run to Chuck and Don's in Forest Lake to get some raw dog food, and after skating tonight stopped at a Health food store in WBL for milk thistle supplements. Started transitioning Gizmo at dinner time tonight...it'll take about 10 days to get him to 100% raw diet. Of course he loves it. We bought the raw bites because you can thaw right before meal versus having to do it overnight. And Gizmo sat and stared at his dish while it thawed. Hope it helps...time will tell. Lori's theory is that he has parasites in his body that are causing the itching, and the dry kibble we feed him is feeding the parasites which is leading to his allergy/itching issues.

Monday, September 14, 2015

1st day of 4K

Today Eddie started 4K...he is Mrs. Julie's class three days a week from 845a-1115a.
The kids and their backpacks!
So grown up! 
We dropped Eddie off at school and then Rowan. Turns out there isn't enough time in between for Rowan to come home and ride her bike or walk to school.
Eddie's day was a success. He told me a story about how he played ball with Mrs. Julie and Syndey outside and the ball bounced over Sydney's head. Sydney lives down the street from us, but far enough that we don't see them very often. So after school I asked Eddie if he wanted to take a picture with her. He walked right up to her and asked her if she would like to take a picture with him...in a full sentence and loud enough for her to hear! I couldn't believe it! Too cute! 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Go Packers...

First regular season Packer game today! Kids got new Packer shirts from Nana and Papa!
Wouldn't be a football Sunday without some snacks...homemade guacamole and white chili.
To round out the weekend...Packers win!