Thursday, August 20, 2015

Rowan's eyes!

As we were heading out the door for Rowan's eye MD appointment, there was a box hanging out of our mailbox! Dad ordered Rowan some pink safety glasses to wear for her Kids Day at Tennant tomorrow! She is so excited to go to work with her Dad tomorrow.
We had a successful eye appointment with answers today for Rowan too. It all started at her well check a few weeks ago when doing an eye evaluation with the basic eye chart Rowan's left eye wasn't quite as stellar as her right, so they recommended further evaluation.
So today they did the basic eye chart and measured her eye and what not...and it showed some asymmetry between her eyes with her left being a little 'slower' but her right eye has been making up for it. Turns out that all babies/kids are born farsighted...and it usually corrects or comes back to 0 by age 6-7. But Rowan is still slightly farsighted and is already 7...and has the asymmetry. They ended up dilating her eyes with my approval to see how her eye would measure when it wasn't able to 'correct' itself due to dilation. And of course it turns out the numbers are a little worse than originally expected. Generally they 'treat' or 'prescribe' for number greater than 0.5...which is what her left eye was prior to dilation, after dilation she was +0.75 on the right and +1.25 on the left. Numbers that if you ignored and didn't treat would be considered negligent according to the eye doctor. She may only need glasses for a couple years and her eyes could improve...we will see. And she only needs them in the classroom, when reading and doing homework, etc. Not all the time. So these are the glasses she picked out, we are waiting for them to come in. Should be in before school starts.

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