Saturday, August 29, 2015

Glen Ellyn BBQ 2015

Have to start out the day with our Hoggystyle t-shirt pics! So excited they took me up on a colored shirt this year! Especially since it rained ALL DAY...would've been a wet white t-shirt contest otherwise.
Despite the rain...we all made the best of it, and did awesome overall. And the rain didn't keep our team away either! The best dish was a pork butt biscuit, best sauce and of course ribs. Friends of Kelley and Bob's bought the team a bottle of Cristal (like the real deal) to celebrate. Honestly...I will take the cheap bottle any day! Clearly we don't know good champagne.
Ed's position for prepping bought him a soaked back...not sure why he ever wasted time with the poncho.
Team Hoggystyle! 
The kids were pretty well entertained too...minus having to yell at them to stay out of the rain when it was was a fairly dry day. Minus feet. I wore sandals, but the rest of my family wore tennis shoes and had the wet wrinkly feet by evening. Eddie's feet actually hurt they were so wet and wrinkly. But they played games, got their faces painted, and had some dippin dots.
Finally they announced the winners just after 6pm...and of course it started raining just as this started. Bob took Rowan up on stage with him for the 1st Place People's Choice award!
The kids drowning after a day in the rain.
So ready to be done!
1st Place People's Choice Sauce
4th Place Best Dish
7th Place Best Sauce (judges) be improved! (somewhere in the 40's, out of 57 teams)
After the BBQ we headed back to Dusty and Julie's to change into some dry clothes...ordered some pizza and hung out. On the road home in the morning!

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