Saturday, August 22, 2015

Pickerel and boys day

Rowan was up early with me again today to head to Pickerel WI. We made the road trip to help Grandma Pam and Aunt Karen finish going through Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's belongings and setting up for a rummage sale for next weekend. My mom has been trying to sell their house for 2 years and finally has something in the works that will hopefully close in early September. So she has spent the last several weekends up in Pickerel getting things moving for selling and throwing and what not. I'm pretty good and throwing things away and organizing, so I offered my assistance, and Rowan wanted to join.
So we arrived about 10am, worked on the house until about 5pm, then changed and cleaned up and headed out for dinner.
While we were away...Dad and Eddie had 'boys day'. The plan was to eat pizza for every meal, play Wii, take naps and eat more pizza! Well...they were pretty successful. Gizmo wasted no time jumping in Rowan's bed...maybe he missed her already? Dad and Eddie brought up the train table and put it in the living room. And to go with their pizza they got orange pop and cookies...oh and Eddie talked Dad into DQ for dessert too! Sounds rough!

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