Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

It appears as though we were all good this year...Santa came!
We tried really hard to cut back on gifts this year. Partially because we went to Disney at the beginning of the month, and also because the kids just don't need any more toys. They struggled to come up with ideas for Santa which says they didn't need anything. We did 4 ideas this year...something you want, need, wear and read. Ed didn't really follow the rules very well. I didn't get anything to read and I got more than 4 things. This happens every year. One of us goes overboard and it usually isn't at the same time.
Anyway, Eddie asked Santa for a monster truck and Rowan asked for some fashion boots. And the other big thing this year was Legos. One toy item that they both get into and we don't have many of.
Managed to snag a picture of the kids in front of the tree this morning too!
Rowan's new boots!
Lego building...
After breakfast and gifts and some Lego building...we showered and packed up to start our trek to my Mom and Bill's house. We did have many of our gifts for the weekend shipped or bought by others to ensure we had room to get to our destination...and we probably should have done more of that to leave a little more space.
We got to Grandma and Grandpa's house before 2pm. We had a few snacks and opened gifts of course and went for a few rides on their new 4 wheeler!
Some how Grandpa got one of Grandma's gifts opened and he held up a nice purple hoodie! I think he was a little confused...but we all laughed it off. Guess you should read the tag before opening?
Fun family picture!
Mommy and Me...we don't get our picture together often. She is usually with the kids!
Later in the evening, Great Grandpa Ron stopped over to visit with us for a bit. We also got to meet his new lady friend. She is a 1st grade teacher actually and was very nice!
Random side note...this morning I woke up with mysterious hives all over my arms and legs. The only other symptoms I had was some joint stiffness. My hips, ankles, elbows, and fingers were difficult to move for several hours, then they loosened up (along with some ibuprofen). Will have to follow this...hopefully doesn't turn into any major sickness and is just a virus.
After a busy and fun was off to bed so we can get up and head to Pewaukee tomorrow morning.

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