Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Smith Christmas

Another early morning up and on the road over to Nana and Papa' least this was just a 10 minute drive! And we again made great timing for breakfast! Playing it safe.
And the kids were off and handing out presents and ripping away. Was a little more chaotic than I am used too, but we all survived. Spoiled as always!
I think Rowan was the first one of us to hog the baby! Poor Hudson I don't think got put down all day. I loved it!
The cousin picture for 2014....
Rowan got to play with Aunt Julie's hair and show her some mad cosmetology skills...
Eddie even got to hold Hudson. So cute.
I admit...I did my fair share of hogging while being cognizant of sharing! He is such a sweet good baby. Can't get enough!
And of course it wouldn't be complete if we didn't have them all in the tub together with popples. We did have the discussion of when we need to put an end to this having Rowan and Kieran now 6 and 7 years old. Next year we will revisit.
Wish we could have had more time together as the kids love to play and catch up...but this year with our drive being so far and the way the holidays fell, this was all we could do. Hoping to get together again before too soon.

The evening was spent playing spoons and cards and hanging out. Tomorrow we will start out trek home. Will be stopping in Lyndon Station for a few hours to see the Blodgett's and pick up Gizmo.

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