Wednesday, December 31, 2014

last day of 2014

We started the day making homemade cinnamon of our new favorites!
And we ended our day and year with the neighbors with a late night party! The little girls...Sophia, Rowan, Elaina and Gabby!
Rowan and Eddie and their bubbly to ring in the new year...even if it was only 9pm!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

a treat...

nothing like a little DQ treat tonight!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Homeward bound...

...with a detour to Lyndon Station! We stopped for a few hours to visit with the Blodgett's for a final Christmas hurrah! The kids of course left with a few more gifts...and we had a nice lunch and dessert...and then had to play Tetris with all of our gifts we had to get home.
We had the topper filled to the brim...left any boxes we could behind, and had just about every hole possible filled with something. I got new underwear that were randomly stuffed in open places throughout the truck. It was crazy. And we made it all fit, minus a couple things that were left behind for Uncle Mitch to bring back for us.
The worst part was getting home at 7pm and having to unload it all. But we couldn't leave it all in the truck. So here is all is. It will take me a week to get it all in a place. Oh well.
It has been a crazy and busy last few days...but so fun to see all our family and celebrate with them all. We were all overly spoiled and received more than we deserve. Sad it is all over already.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Smith Christmas

Another early morning up and on the road over to Nana and Papa' least this was just a 10 minute drive! And we again made great timing for breakfast! Playing it safe.
And the kids were off and handing out presents and ripping away. Was a little more chaotic than I am used too, but we all survived. Spoiled as always!
I think Rowan was the first one of us to hog the baby! Poor Hudson I don't think got put down all day. I loved it!
The cousin picture for 2014....
Rowan got to play with Aunt Julie's hair and show her some mad cosmetology skills...
Eddie even got to hold Hudson. So cute.
I admit...I did my fair share of hogging while being cognizant of sharing! He is such a sweet good baby. Can't get enough!
And of course it wouldn't be complete if we didn't have them all in the tub together with popples. We did have the discussion of when we need to put an end to this having Rowan and Kieran now 6 and 7 years old. Next year we will revisit.
Wish we could have had more time together as the kids love to play and catch up...but this year with our drive being so far and the way the holidays fell, this was all we could do. Hoping to get together again before too soon.

The evening was spent playing spoons and cards and hanging out. Tomorrow we will start out trek home. Will be stopping in Lyndon Station for a few hours to see the Blodgett's and pick up Gizmo.

Friday, December 26, 2014

A Knutson Christmas

We were on the road before 9am this morning to head to Pewaukee. Got to Grandpa and Grandma's in time for cinnamon rolls! And then quickly onto presents of course. Somehow in the last day the kids can't be around wrapped gifts with their names on the them without opening them.
Great Grandma Audrey came by for a couple hours to catch up and see us. The kids remembered her and talked with her at length and she was so pleased with that.
Our attempt at a few family photos...
Grandma needed a new picture to update her canvas from a couple years ago. Uncle Petey needs to be in the picture now that he and Amanda are engaged!
Dan and Jenny were home from Florida for the holidays and are heading back tomorrow, so they stopped by with Jenessa to visit with us as well. They unnecessarily brought the kids gifts too. So nice of them. Rowan and Eddie got them to do a silly picture with them!
Then in the late afternoon we stopped to visit with Great Grandma Marion.
The kids got to try out the puzzles and games at the Memory Care home. It was our first time visiting her since she has been in this location.
When we were done there we headed to the Swan residence to spread a little more Christmas cheer. Kids loved to be able to play with everyone...

Quinn, Rowan and Ainsley.
Charlie and Rowan!
Charlie isn't much of a picture this was our attempt at getting them all together.
Taylor tried out her new selfie stick! Great picture actually. Us ladies catching up over some beverages!
Was trying to get a picture with my BFF Casey...wasn't the most successful without others in the picture. And this one turned out darling! Love it!
Had to attempt a group picture with the selfie stick and it was more than successful. So cool. Such a great day with family! We did do some caroling for them when we arrived too, I didn't get the picture of that tho!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

It appears as though we were all good this year...Santa came!
We tried really hard to cut back on gifts this year. Partially because we went to Disney at the beginning of the month, and also because the kids just don't need any more toys. They struggled to come up with ideas for Santa which says they didn't need anything. We did 4 ideas this year...something you want, need, wear and read. Ed didn't really follow the rules very well. I didn't get anything to read and I got more than 4 things. This happens every year. One of us goes overboard and it usually isn't at the same time.
Anyway, Eddie asked Santa for a monster truck and Rowan asked for some fashion boots. And the other big thing this year was Legos. One toy item that they both get into and we don't have many of.
Managed to snag a picture of the kids in front of the tree this morning too!
Rowan's new boots!
Lego building...
After breakfast and gifts and some Lego building...we showered and packed up to start our trek to my Mom and Bill's house. We did have many of our gifts for the weekend shipped or bought by others to ensure we had room to get to our destination...and we probably should have done more of that to leave a little more space.
We got to Grandma and Grandpa's house before 2pm. We had a few snacks and opened gifts of course and went for a few rides on their new 4 wheeler!
Some how Grandpa got one of Grandma's gifts opened and he held up a nice purple hoodie! I think he was a little confused...but we all laughed it off. Guess you should read the tag before opening?
Fun family picture!
Mommy and Me...we don't get our picture together often. She is usually with the kids!
Later in the evening, Great Grandpa Ron stopped over to visit with us for a bit. We also got to meet his new lady friend. She is a 1st grade teacher actually and was very nice!
Random side note...this morning I woke up with mysterious hives all over my arms and legs. The only other symptoms I had was some joint stiffness. My hips, ankles, elbows, and fingers were difficult to move for several hours, then they loosened up (along with some ibuprofen). Will have to follow this...hopefully doesn't turn into any major sickness and is just a virus.
After a busy and fun was off to bed so we can get up and head to Pewaukee tomorrow morning.