Saturday, December 24, 2011

Xmas Eve Morning.... Grandma and Grandpa Knutson's house!

After the Hanson gathering last night we spent the night in Uncle Mitch's room. Not a good night of sleep by any means thanks to Rowan! Eddie luckily slept like a peach (helps when you go to bed late). Rowan woke up several times crying out and inconsolable even though she was right in bed between Ed and I. I am convinced she just was confused and didn't know where she was, but it took more than us telling her she was fine and we were there with her. We slept good from about 2am until 7am.

Luckily the rest of the household was up by then too. And if they weren't, Rowan had no problem waking them up. We actually were waiting on Eddie to wake up before opening gifts!
Rowan did a great job of scoping out all the gifts. There were a ton! Was nice to be able to stay in our jammies to open gifts. Eddie had to get dressed because his diaper didn't hold up to his extra sleep! The kids did a great job opening gifts. Minus the fact that they wanted to open everything when they got it. We were all spoiled by all of them! 
When gifts were done and some playing done as well. We started to pack up to head home because I received a phone call that I would need to go into work at 7pm instead of 11pm. So needed to get home and attempt a nap!

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