Sunday, December 25, 2011

Presents and Packers...

Grandma Pam and Grandpa Bill arrived around 1pm this afternoon!

And once again, the tree was filled with presents. And once again, we were all spoiled rotten. Eddie showed off his skills of opening presents while laying on his back! The dogs got in on the mix of course too. In addition to gifts, we had a brisket lunch, and then it was nap time once again. The kids and I took a short nap while Ed and Grandpa Bill put together the train table, and Grandma Pam prepared appetizers for the Packer game.
We enjoyed lots of delightful appetizers, watched the Packer game and played with lots of new toys! Then it was off to bed for most of us. The sleep the last few days has been limited for most of us, so the end of the Packer game was watched from most of our beds! Can't believe that Christmas is over! Well sort of, we have one more family to celebrate with next friday! Now I will spend the next week trying to find room for all of our new things!

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