Wednesday, December 14, 2011

9 Months Old

Weight: 21# 9oz (70th percentile)
Length: 29.5 in (87th percentile)
Head: 18 in (64th percentile)

*No vaccines this visit! Thankfully, because I think Rowan has a complex about Eddie getting owies! Such a sensitive caring big sister!
Eddie at 9 Months:
*professional army crawler (occasionally gets up on knees but doesn't go anywhere)
*4 teeth (2 more very close on the top)
*has next to no interest in baby food anymore, will eat some stage 3 stuff but would prefer big people food
*only interest in sippy cup is to chew on it right now
*still takes 3-4 six ounce bottles daily, still Similac Sensitive
*sleeps through the night most nights, but wakes up between 5-6am usually for the day (occasional pacifier replacement needed)
*2 naps a day (usually 2 hours each give or take a half hour)
*size 3 diapers
*still in some 12 month clothing, but starting to wear 12-18 mo. and some 18 mo. for length purposes mostly
*hmmm...i'm sure I will think of something to add, but this is good for now

Can't believe the next time we visit the MD will be a 12 month visit! What a fast 9 months it has been.

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