Thursday, October 13, 2011

swimming update

So it has been a few weeks since I posted anything about swimming, but she is still attending and doing well. We had a little glitch 3 weeks ago though. Rowan was naughty and almost got taken out of class (by us!). She has a new little friend that is in her preschool class and in her swimming class (Hayley). Which is very nice, but this one week they decided that they were more into each other than listening to the teacher.

They were getting in the water when they were supposed to be sitting on the side of the pool, and not listening to the teacher when she asked them to sit on the side. So Hayley's mom went in first and talked to Hayley in the ear saying to behave and threatening whatever if she didn't listen. Then they were separating themselves from the class, and scooting further back from the pool, and lastly Rowan was sucking up water and spitting it on Hayley. So I had to go in and talk to Rowan, 2 times by the end of the class.
So the entire next week Ed and I kept talking to her about listening to the teacher and behaving and that she wasn't getting any second chances next time, we would just take her out of the pool and take her home. Well, Hayley wasn't there the next week (it was nice out so her parents kept her home) so we didn't get to see how she would behave. But this week (pics above) they were there together and did well and listened. So we will see!  The pics below were rom the naughty week.
Next week is the last week of this session. Rowan will be a shrimp again next session. We might try a different class for the winter, we will see what else is offered!

On a side note, Hayley's mom asked one of the teachers how the girls behave in preschool class (after this incident), and she said that they are 2 of the best behaved in the class, and sometimes they need to be encouraged to do things, meaning they are a bit too quiet and reserved at times. So they must have had a bit of built up energy that night at swimming, who knows.

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