Tuesday, October 18, 2011


After today, I still haven't found the best way to approach a doctor visit with Rowan. Today wasn't really a doctor visit, but both kids had an appointment for their flu shots (Eddie's second one). Rowan entirely associates the doctors office with 'owies'. Probably because everytime we are there with Eddie he is getting vaccines updated, and she got one last time she was there too.

So this morning before preschool I told her we had to go to the doctor this afternoon, and she started to get teary saying she didn't want an owie. So I said, fine you won't get one, but Eddie still has to go. And she got even more sappy saying she didn't want Eddie to get an owie. So I said, no one will get an owie, and dropped the subject.

We prepared for the trip, packing bandaids (one for each of them), just in case they had to get owies, gave them both Tylenol, and then headed on our way (just me and the kids, fyi). She was fine in the waiting room, and would barely walk into the exam room (which was full of an instructor and 3 nursing students). So I had to sit Eddie on the floor and coax her into getting onto the table. We showed off the purple Nike shox she had on, then her Tiana (princess and the frog for you princess rookies out there) underwear, and then laid her on the table to look at stickers. Oh and I had given her a sucker in the waiting room too. She kept raising her head while I held her hands and they stuck her. And....she didn't even cry! And they upgraded and finally had something other than nude dot bandaids, so we didn't even need our own. Luckily she twith the stickers and her sucker while it was Eddie's turn. And Eddie only wimpered for his too. Best trip yet! So the entire ride home, Rowan kept saying, Mommy it didn't even hurt, and I didn't even cry, and Eddie only cried a little bit. Then when I was putting her down for nap, she confessed that it hurt a little bit, but she didn't even cry!

So the trip turned out better than I thought, but hopefully next July when it is time for her annual visit, she remeembers that she didn't even cry and it only hurt a little bit! No pictures of Eddie because he was napping already. Hoping neither of them develops a fever from these!

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