Friday, October 14, 2011

7 Months Old...

Still a happy smiley boy, 99% of the time! His new thing these days is to whine when he is left alone. If we put him down on the floor to play, and walk away, he whines. He wants constant entertainment! As long as he can see us, he is fine!

Otherwise he is sitting and rolling. And Ed is trying to get him to crawl. I on the other hand, am not pushing that at all. I am not ready for him to be moving! Otherwise, nothing is new. Eating the same as he was at 6 months. Sleeping seems to be improving at night. He has his nights where we don't hear from him at all. And other nights we have to reposition him and give him is pacifier a few times. And sometimes he wants to eat around 330am. Nothing is standard right now. I am hoping we will be hearing from him less and less as the nights go on. Most nights I don't mind the cuddle time!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Absolutely adorable!