Tuesday, June 28, 2011

bumbo = no thanks

Eddie is super close to being able to use the bumbo, but he isn't overly thrilled with it. His head tends to hang to the side a bit, but that might be laziness? Ed can't wait for him to be ready for it, we hope he likes it as much as Rowan did. He is so grabby with his hands, I think he will be happy to be able to sit up more and see what he is grabbing!

1st nap in crib

Yes, this was Eddie's first time sleeping in his crib. Granted it was just for a nap, but he did pretty well. Coulda been longer, although seems to always be the story. But that will get better with time. There really isn't any schedule around here for him and sleep. Eventually!

Monday, June 27, 2011

15 Weeks Old.

I truly don't know how I had doubts when I was pregnant on how I could have enough love for another child, because this boy just melts my heart! He is the perfect little boy to go with that perfect little girl in our life! Enjoy!

purple perfect

I totally blackmailed her into these pictures. She had no idea I was taking a picture! Such a pretty little blondie!


Little Mama playin' with Eddie.

Sidenote: Rowan used to call him Edy (like the ice cream), but this week she can all of a sudden say his name correctly! Too cute.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

R+M=crazy girls

We decided to get the girls out earlier to play today! That way we could hit nap at an adequate time and get the most of the beautiful day too! Not only do the girls have their fair share of pool time, but they always seem to throw in snacks from both houses as well. They are more of an eat on the run type for lunch on the weekend.

During nap, I ran to the store, and I picked up Rowan some pink goggles (yes McKenna has them on) (and no that wasn't the reason for the store trip, but they jumped in the cart) McKenna had some blue ones, and we have come to realize we need 2 of everything for these girls, or they tend to fight over it at times. But learned hard, that everything needs to be exactly the same! Oh well. They are satisfied eventually by sharing, sometimes not easily and not right away. But they do generally play very well together and share. I am learning that Rowan is usually the one to give in and share or give back what she has. That can be good and bad?


Josh (the boy that lives on the other side of us, turned 3 earlier in June) was out this weekend too. But I didn't manage to get any pictures of him! He didn't seem to want to do what the girls were doing most of the time, which might explain my lack of pictures. Our 2 toddler swings get their share of fighting over with 3 kids wanting them too. Hmmmm....we will learn to share very well and take turns by the end of the summer, I know that much!
And then there is Kendall! She is still doing mostly the eating and sleeping at this point, so she isn't out too much with us during the day. Her Mom would beg to differ the sleeping part, but she is working on it! These Freier girls do not lack in the hair category like our children!
Saving the best for last, our little stud muffin! We get comments daily on how good he is. He is totally fine just hanging out in his bouncy seat outside with us in the shade. Or on the ground on a blanket. Or he eats and sleeps. You don't hear much from him! We needed a boy like that!

Good Morning!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


We started out the morning at the Farmers Market in Appleton (after Ed got home from work). It was a pretty quick trip, since we were mostly there to browse and didn't buy much. There was a ton of strawberries there, but we already had some at home. So we got a pound of sugar snap peas, 2 peaches and a tomato! I know, big spenders!

Then we headed to Dick's Sporting goods to get some fishing gear (or a new pole!) in preparation for Conover next week. If I got a dollar for every time Ed has said he wants to go fishing this week, I'd be a rich woman. The man can't wait!

Then it was home to get the pool out and filled. A short amount of playtime before nap and lunch. And then out again after nap! Finally a nice day in WI!
Not sure we will get the peas again! They tasted great, but this is what we got out of a 3$ pound of peas! Barely a serving for one person!

what would we do...

without these swings. Eddie loves them. And Rowan and McKenna could live on them too! It is too bad that they aren't the same, because they generally want the same one. But whenever Eddie is out (when it is shaded or evening) then he gets the red one!

He just chills out in the swing! He actually fell asleep in it too!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


See, he doesn't hate it all too much anymore, he can smile while he is on his tummy!

Monday, June 20, 2011

14 weeks old

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Congrats Aunt Amanda

She graduated from Carroll University with her Bachelors degree in May. And so we had to get together to celebrate! This was the primary reason we were going to be in town this weekend. And of course Ed can't turn down a golf offer!

So we left Nana and Papa's to be at Amanda's graduation party by 3pm! We had a lovely little meal and got to visit with family and some family friends. Rowan tried out the pool briefly (it was only 72 degrees) before the hypothermia set in. We played a few games of washers. And before we knew it, it was 8pm and we were on our way home. We were home before 10pm, unloaded the car and were off to bed.

Eddie got his fair share of spoiling and holding. Rowan too was entertained by many different people and had a blast. Rowan slept the entire ride home (happens with no nap), and Eddie was in and out of sleep. We had a great weekend and got to see lots of people while in town. But it is always nice to be home in our own beds!

water works

While Ed, Papa and Dusty were golfing this morning, us ladies (and Eddie too) headed downtown Delafield to do a little shopping. We stopped in the children's stores, a new little shop called Bittersweet, and checked out the farmer's market as well. Rowan was able to get a cupcake painted on her face at the farmer's market, and Nana picked up her week of veggies. Then we stopped for lunch at a mexican place and headed home. It was a steamy morning, so Rowan quickly changed into her swimsuit when we got back and played with her new water bucket that Nana found for her while we were shopping. She loved it. Who knew a few cups and a bucket of water could keep a child so occupied! She had fun getting Aunt Julie's feet wet until she got a little carried away and gave her a mini shower. Oops! She did apologize!
Oh, and don't forget our new accessory, the potty chair. The girl isn't afraid to do her business in front of anyone. Be it #1 or #2. Quick story. So this morning we had the potty chair in the kitchen, and she was pooping, and when her business fell into the pot, you could hear it, and all of us were laughing. So Rowan found it necessary to ask everyone if they heard her poop! So classy! But cute!

Friday, June 17, 2011

A Fair...

We arrived at Nana and Papa's house around 530pm just behind Uncle Dusty and Aunt Julie! We all made the trip tonight so the boys could golf tomorrow with Papa for Father's Day! After dinner we headed over to Okauchee to see what their fair had to offer. This was Rowan's first time on any carnival rides ever. And she did way better than I expected. I didn't think she would want to ride on rides alone, but she did. She loved the cars/trucks that went in a circle. Wasn't such a fan of the Gator rollercoaster. She went on it one time, and didn't cry. But looked scared as can be the entire ride, and had no interest in doing it again. Papa and Dusty won her a stuffed animal or two. And then we headed home. Eddie hung out in the Baby Bjourn, and was happy as can be!


Not sure if you can tell, but someone is giving Doug directions on how to play hockey!

Karen and Doug stopped for a few hours today on their way up to Pickerel. And surprisingly the weather wasn't too bad. We were able to play outside for awhile and even go for a walk while they visited. They were on their way just before lunchtime so that the kids could get a nap in before our busy weekend!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Job Update...

I didn't realize that I haven't really mentioned my job since going back to work. Yes, I did go back to work, still part time or two 12 hour shifts a week. My first day back was May 31! Although, our unit has been very slow and had a very low census, pretty much since Eddie was born, and therefore, I am barely working half of my hours in a pay period due to being cancelled! So the next update couldn't have come at a better time....
Ed got a promotion!!

And it's one he has be patiently waiting for! Okay, correction, he isn't a patient person, but the offer finally came! Ed actually interviewed for a job outside of OshKosh Corp a little over a month ago, and got an offer, but turned it down because the money wasn't quite there, and he didn't want his resume to make him look like a job hopper. Not to mention, his boss has been talking about this new position for awhile with Ed, they just hadn't gotten the approval to hire someone for it. Needless to say, the wait was worth it! Ed is essentially doing the same this he has been doing, just getting paid more and has a different title, as well as many more people that he oversees!

flowered fishy

This girl could take up stock in swim wear this summer. She has a ton of swim suits, most of which are hand me downs from Miss Maya. But now that she is potty trained/training (I am afraid to say she is trained because she has an accident here and there and I don't want to jinx a good thing), so 2 piece suits are much easier when we need to use the potty. But Grandma Pam found her a new 2 piece on sale, and she hasn't not worn it since she got it!

Eddie has been a good little spectator with me. Lately he is into his blanket that Nana made him with the ribbons. He has had his fist in his mouth a ton lately so anything else he can get in his grip (usually a burp cloth) goes in the mouth too.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

she's gettin' good

Rowan was doing pretty awesome with her hockey stick tonight with Ed! She was passing to him and held the stick correctly for the most part the whole time. It was very cute. Ed wanted to put her in pads and put her in the net. I didn't think that would be a good idea! Ed thinks she is going to be a lefty, in hockey anyway!
Eddie and I pretty much just hung out and watched. He was content in the stroller for quite a long time. Such a good boy!

Three Months Old...

And cuter than ever!
What to say about our 3 month old boy?

On our scale at home he is 15.5 pounds!

He is such a good baby! He is still eating Similac Sensitive, 5 oz at a time. Usually every three hours during the day, and once or twice at night. It seems like his schedule at night is sleeping by 830pm, up around 130am to eat, and again around 5am, then sleeps until 830am. He is up for about 30 minutes. And that is to eat and assure he is sleeping again. I guess it isn't too bad, but he hasn't slept through the night once yet. Hoping that will come sometime soon. He might be wanting to move to 6 oz feedings in the near future. He finishes 5 oz easily but is usually content with it. We will see.

We continue off of Zantac without issues. I thought last week he was maybe refluxing a bit again, but I think he had a cold/snot issue. I do suck his nose out regularly (almost daily) with the bulb syringe, but it wasn't cutting it last week. But we are past that now!

He is still sleeping in our room in the pack n play. I managed to ditch the boppy he was sleeping on on his side pretty much since birth, and he is now generally sleeping on his belly. He is still in the raised part of the pack n play, but I am thinking that needs to be retired as it has a weight limit of 15 pounds it says! Ours is a little stretched out anyway from when Rowan decided she should climb in it shortly after he was home! Until he decides to sleep through the night, we will probably keep him in our room. I don't want to chance waking Rowan up in the middle of the night!

He LOVES his bouncy seat. Especially the monkey that hangs from it. He is getting better and better at tummy time as the days go by. He is okay with laying on his playmat and batting at the toys on there too. And the swing is probably his least favorite, but he will tolerate it for a short while and occasionally fall asleep in it. He really gets his arms and legs going these days. Loves to swat at things in front of him. Sort of grabs things, but not really. I think Ed tries to put him in the bumbo on a daily basis, but his neck isn't quite ready for that.

He is wearing size 2 diapers. Size 3-6 month clothing. Uses a pacifier to fall asleep usually, or in the car and that is about it. We honestly have been using the same pacifier since he was born. The extra one is in the diaper bag and hasn't had to be pulled out yet. He is still using a slow flow nipple to eat. Might try the 3 month nipple soon, but he chokes on occassion with the slow flow, so we will see.

Back to the Pediatrician in July for his 4 month check up and Rowan's 3 year check up. Vaccines for both, could be a rough night in the Smith household on July 18th!

Monday, June 13, 2011

He and She

She just can't get enough of him! Usually very helpful with him still. Loves to kiss him, maybe too much sometimes. Or too rough. But it's the thought that counts!
She would much rather take her own pictures than have her picture taken. Drives me nuts!