Monday, March 7, 2011

thirty-eight weeks

Last doctor appointment was this morning.

Blood Pressure: 100/56
Weight: gained 1 pound (for a total of 38 pounds) I am thankful that it has slowed down the last few weeks. I shouldn't gain much, if any, more than I did with Rowan at this rate.
Heart Rate: 135
Cervix: 1-2 cm and 50% effaced, again. (Good thing we have an induction scheduled or I am sure we would be post dates)
Fundal height: 35 cm (was 36 cm last week, and should be within 1 cm above or below your gestation) Therefore, this warranted my doctor wanting an ultrasound to be sure the baby's weight and development was okay. So our quick appointment ended up longer!

So back to the waiting room to be called for an ultrasound, luckily we only waited about 10 minutes. To have an ultrasound that was perfectly fine. Baby's heart rate was 126 during the ultrasound. Head is down for sure. Measurements were all within normal limits for my gestation, and the baby's weight is estimated at 7 pounds. So the doctor was pleased, and we will see her next week for the induction at 7am!
And a few pictures of the Big Sister to Be. Who wouldn't smile for the camera to save my life. Her last week of being an only child! Today at the doctor when Ed asked her what the baby was, she said boy. When a woman in the waiting room (who had a girl about the same age as Rowan, and they became new friends) asked her what kind of baby her mom was having, she said girl. So Rowan is about as undecided as I am! Dad still says it's a girl!

On a side note, in the last 2 weeks, 4 people I know have had babies. There has been 3 boys and 1 girl. Two boys named Griffin, a Brandon, and an Abby! Hmmmm....


Crystal said...

AHHHHH! Megan in less than a week you're going to have 2 children! I can't even handle it!!!

Cora said...

Come on MILK...2 more pounds and you hit the big 4-0. You can do it! I can't wait to see the little one and hear about the big day. Won't be long now Mama.

Katie said...

Good luck tomorrow! Wishing you a happy, healthy, safe, quick, pain managed induction. I cannot wait to hear the details and see pics of your baby (boy)!