Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hospital update

Remembered some interesting facts from yesterday that I left out of initial post....

Lil Eddie had a nuchal cord x1 (umbilical cord around neck 1 time) and a true knot in the cord (umbilical cord was tied in a knot) clearly it didn't create any issues, but it could have!

Otherwise, things have been going well. Breastfeeding is already a challenge. Eddie is starting out to eat just like his sister did! Rough! Using a nipple shield since we had blood blisters after the first nursing session! On the other hand, he seems content with what he is getting. Already had some leaking issues last night, so the milk will be flowing before we know it!

Circumcision was done this morning as we were/are pushing for discharge just after 24 hours. And that looks great. Has been sleepy but still willing to eat. The little boy barely cries (knock on wood) even for diaper changes.

Last night, Ed went home with Rowan for the night to ensure her a good nights sleep (which didn't happen anyway because of her cough/runny nose). But at least she was happy. Grandma Pam stayed at the hospital with Lil Ed and I. We got a few hours of sleep, broken up. I am surviving so far, I am sure it will hit me in the next couple of days!

That is all for now. Lots to get done in the next couple hours to get out of here! Rowan is so patiently waiting for her brother at home! She definitely loves him! She was sad and teary when they took him to the nursery this morning to be seen by the Pediatrician!

Sorry, having issues getting pics transferred from my phone and haven't transferred from the camera today. Maybe tomorrow!


Cora said...

Glad the milk is coming MILK! (Haha, I crack myself up!) I'm sorry you're having the same issues. You must breed super suckers. Hopefully the shield will help.

You really are lucky...a NC & a knot. No wonder he was having decels. And you're crazy to be going home so soon. Take it easy if you do!

Crystal said...

Glad to hear all is well! Yes I'm with Cora, take it easy once you get home. I know I did way to much and the next day felt like I got hit by a bus! Picked up a few things for Lil Ed yesterday, so let me know when your ready for visitors:) Oh and when you have a chance, Kenadee wants you and Rowan to check out her blog.(You know with all that free time you'll have coming up ,J/K)